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GOVERNMENT AND CIVIL SOCIETY > Conflict prevention and resolution, peace and security > Participation in international peacekeeping operations


15230Participation in international peacekeeping operations  


  • Bilateral participation in peacekeeping operations mandated or authorised by the United Nations (UN) through Security Council resolutions, and conducted by international organisations, e.g. UN, NATO, the European Union (Security and Defence Policy security-related operations), or regional groupings of developing countries. Direct contributions to the UN Department for Peacekeeping Operations (UNDPKO) budget are excluded from bilateral ODA (they are reportable in part as multilateral ODA, see Annex 9). The activities that can be reported as bilateral ODA under this code are limited to: human rights and election monitoring; reintegration of demobilised soldiers; rehabilitation of basic national infrastructure; monitoring or retraining of civil administrators and police forces; security sector reform and other rule of law-related activities; training in customs and border control procedures; advice or training in fiscal or macroeconomic stabilisation policy; repatriation and demobilisation of armed factions, and disposal of their weapons; explosive mine removal. The enforcement aspects of international peacekeeping operations are not reportable as ODA. ODA-eligible bilateral participation in peacekeeping operations can take the form of financing or provision of equipment or military or civilian personnel (e.g. police officers). The reportable cost is calculated as the excess over what the personnel and equipment would have cost to maintain had they not been assigned to take part in a peace operation. Costs for military contingents participating in UNDPKO peacekeeping operations are not reportable as ODA. International peacekeeping operations may include humanitarian-type activities (contributions to the form of equipment or personnel), as described in codes 7xxxx. These should be included under code 15230 if they are an integrated part of the activities above, otherwise they should be reported as humanitarian aid.NB: When using this code, indicate the name of the operation in the short description of the activity reported. (en)



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